Monday, July 30, 2012

No internet = Not much blogging

So this whole - keeping up with blogging while not having internet - thing is really tough. I have a quick recap of my weekend in pictures (just the weekend because my life is pretty boring during the week).

I'll try to keep you up to date as much as possible in this last week I have here in Omaha, but I don't promise that I will be able to do a very good job of it. I am trying really hard to live as much in the moment as possible, I know there is a good chance I may not make it back here for a long time.

Ok, enough rambling - I know you all care sooooo much about my life (kidding).

On Friday Colby and I spent the afternoon at a new dog park we just discovered.

Yeah, she was in love. Lots of trees and grass and no leash are definitely her kind of things.

I also made a quick trip out to the mall and bought these babies. New Jack Rogers and I am in love.

On Saturday Jamie, Kari, and I all went for one last bike ride on the Wabash and then saw an early showing of the new batman movie, but sadly I left my camera in the car so no pictures :(.

Sunday was spent pretty much like this:

In the sun with a book...yeah, Sunday was a good day.

Earlier this week I also received this:

My certificate of completion! Technically, I'm not finished until next Tuesday but hey this is pretty exciting!

Now I'm off to finish more work. I'll be back with another update soon (hopefully)!

1 comment:

  1. Love reading about your life :) Congrats on the certification of completion! 8 DAYS LEFT WOOO HOOO! Love you!
