Friday, March 30, 2012

Packed Full

Wahoooooo its Friday! I swear every Friday is like Christmas all over again. And this weekend coming up is busting full of fun things planned...but before I get ahead of myself, lets back track.

So you know the whole, "think positive thoughts" in the morning thing, well that lasted until about Wednesday. Its hard to remember good things when its 6am and its so warm under my covers and its pitch black outside. I'll try it again next week...we'll see how that goes.

As for other things that happened this week, I moved desks at work. I traveled from a cubicle on the first floor to a cubicle on the third floor. I had been with the IT people down stairs, but most of my work is finished so I was moved upstairs and now my desk is with all the other VISTA's. Its nice to feel like I'm part of the group again, but moving is a pain.

Old desk, trying to pack my things up

New desk, trying to unpack my things
Also this week we've had some crazy weather. Over the weekend it was beautiful and in the 80's, but the last couple of days it has been warm and cloudy. They were even calling for hail on Thursday. I swear these are tornado signs and being from NC, I have no idea what to do when a tornado comes. So lets hope we don't have to cross that bridge.

And finally, today I rode my bike to work for the first time! Its only about 2 miles from my apartment to my office, so its not very far but it is a little hilly. I have been afraid to try because of cold weather and sometimes the route can be full of traffic but today was finally the perfect conditions.

I know, I am a dork
Now for my weekend plans!!

The rest of the day looks like this:
-half day of work (off at noon!)
-biking home
-laying out in the sun with Kari
-laundry and a night in with the Colbs.

This weekend is consisting of so many goodies - volunteering at the refugee health fair, a Creighton baseball game at the World Series park (TD Ameritrade), going to an art gallery show of work by homeless guests at the Siena Francis Shelter, and an easy 13 mile run.

It is as Colby's 3rd birthday tomorrow! So you know there will be some sort of festivities :).

I promise to take a lot of pictures this weekend and share them ASAP.
Hope your weekend is already off to a great start!

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