Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bacon is meant to be meat.

Today was a good day. It has been raining here everyday this week and all rain does is make me want to lay in bed all day. And that's pretty much all I've done all week (and why I haven't been blogging).

But today a few notable things have happened.

First, during work I had an interview for another Americorps position next year. I had applied before I heard anything back from grad schools, but I figured I would go ahead with the phone interview just to keep my options open.

The interview went fine, pretty standard. Group interview conference call experience: CHECK!

Also, it finally cleared up this afternoon enough to get in an easy run outside. Colby of course wanted to join me for some fun outdoors - I even left my watch behind to enjoy the run a little more.

She thinks she's a model.

Tonight I even made it to the grocery store and cooked dinner! I've been kind of in a slump with cooking because its really hard to be motivated to get up out of bed and cook dinner when its just for yourself. But tonight I decided I was going to make brinner.

On the menu: blueberry pancakes, [veggie] bacon, and biscuits.

Yes that's right, veggie bacon.

I was so excited when I found this soy-based treat. I really don't miss meat at all - never crave it, but the idea of something that tasted like bacon sounded like a great idea to me....

buuutttttt it wasn't. 

I would not recommend this stuff [I swear it tasted like one of Colby's Beggin' Strips]. I suppose bacon is meant to be meat, so maybe I will never have bacon again...

Everything else was great, especially the blueberry pancakes!

Now for the most exciting part of the day. I am a total dork and so excited to be going to the midnight premier of Hunger Games tonight! A few of the girls and I decided that it would be worth the lack of sleep - and I am so excited because I have never been to a midnight premier!


It will probably suck when I am volunteering tomorrow with Project Homeless (from 7:45am - 2pm) but when I heard the movie was filmed in North Carolina, I knew I had to see this movie ASAP. Now I need to go get in a quick nap before everyone meets over here for some coffee and then the show!

Goodnight and may the odds be forever in your favor.
dont judge.

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