Saturday, December 3, 2011

Snowy Saturday

When I woke up this morning, I was expecting a blanket of snow on the ground. Unfortunately, it was just freezing rain and freezing cold. So I headed to the bank and then on to the Y for an early morning run.

(I apologize for all the pictures taken through my window screen)

I decided at the Y I wanted to get a long run in and not get bored on the treadmill, so I made it a speed/interval run with negative splits.

It was a great way to get in 7 miles and push myself to run harder. As I left the Y to walk back to the apartment, I was surprised by this when I went outside.

It was SNOWING! (And coming down hard). Right now, its been snowing for about 3 1/2 hours and its already accumulated almost 4 inches. And its not stopping there...

So now Matthew and I are just sitting upstairs and watching people try to drive - sliding all over the road. And I am enjoying a warm cup of cocoa of course.

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sooo very jealous about the snow! Hope yall went out and played for hours and hours ;) And what a champ you are running 7 miles on the treadmill get it girrrrll!!!
