Thursday, October 27, 2011

An Afternoon Delight!

Today I came home to a wonderful surprise. I went through my usual routine: got off work, headed home, came in the front entrance of the building and checked the mailbox. Inside I found a wonderful little orange note that said:

"Please come to the front office, we have a package waiting for you."

A package! I picked up the package (that was from Matthew's mom and dad) and headed upstairs so we could open it. Guess what was inside?

CANDY! And lots of it!!

Oh how I love Matthew's parents! It was such a great surprise, especially the York Dark Chocolate Mint Pieces! So Yummy :).

After I stuffed my face with candy and relaxed a little bit, it was off to my usually Thursday workout at the YMCA.

I love Thursday, because Thursday means Zumba! I tired to focus extra hard tonight to burn off some of that candy.

And when I came back, Matthew had already made dinner. What a great Thursday! Tomorrow's a half day at work and my friends are having a Halloween party at night. So excited for the weekend :). Pictures from tomorrow night will definitely make an appearance soon. I love Halloween!

Happy almost weekend!

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