Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Weekend Recap

The end of this week/weekend has been busy, busy, busy!

First of all, we found the dog park! Ever since we moved to Omaha, the three of us have been searching for a dog park for Colby to run free in, socialize, etc. After lots of research, we found out there is only one dog park in ALL of Omaha. I found this pretty ridiculous, but regardless we made a trip out to play on Thursday.

Colby was very happy we found the dog park, and it is huge! The park is literally three baseball fields that they connected together and put a large fence around. The park play date made for one happy camper.

This weekend we also got the chance to visit our good friend Cotten! He lives in Des Moines, Iowa which is only a little over a two hour drive, so Saturday was spent visiting an old friend and exploring downtown!

Des Moines has a neat little downtown area, one that really reminds me of Omaha. Not only was it fun to explore, but it was great to see such a good friend!

Cotten and his new house!

Workout Recap

This week was also a big workout week. There is only one more (!) long run before the half marathon, so its getting down to crunch time!

This was my workout plan for the week:

Sunday: run 9 miles
Monday: Cycle Class 
Tuesday: run 4 miles and Zumba Class
Wednesday: run 5 miles and Yoga Class
Thursday: run 4 miles and Zumba Class
Friday: Day Off
Saturday: Body Rock WOD
Sunday: 10 miles

I strayed a little and this is more of what it ended up looking like:

Sunday: run 9 miles
Monday: Cycle Class 
Tuesday: run 4 miles and Zumba Class
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: OFF
Friday: run 4 miles
Saturday: 3 miles walk
Sunday: 10 miles

As you can see, I am still battling with that middleoftheweek slump. For some reason when I get to Wednesday, I am just counting down the seconds to Friday and see to loose sight of my fitness goals. On the up side, I had a great 10 mile run today. I felt good, my body felt good, the weather felt good, to a doesn't get much better than that. My splits were faster than normal and I really enjoyed the route I ran.

Avg Pace


0.6 miles
0.6 miles

The route I ran took me to the edge of downtown, around Heartland of America Park, into Iowa, and back. Lately I have been loving some out and backs. 

Running around Heartland of America Park was my favorite. Matthew and I found this pond and running track earlier in the week on a shorter run. After mapping the distance, we learned that it was about a mile to get to it and a mile around it. Today I ran around the park 4 times! SO I had plenty of time to take a few pictures of how beautiful it is.

Yeah, living in Omaha is not that bad. 

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