Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A great day to be outside!

Update on the workout schedule for the week:

Monday: Cycle Class

Well sort of. Matthew and I had to make a trip to the grocery store on Monday because [God Forbid] we go on Sunday when there are football games on. So Monday after I got back from work we headed to Bakers (local grocery store). It took way too long and when we got back to the car it was 5:30 (my cycle class started at 5:30!) so instead I substituted 45 mins on the bike at my apartment, a rolling hill workout and still pretty difficult.

Monday: Cycle Class
Tuesday: 4 mile run and Zumba Class

Check and Check!
The Downtown YMCA here is doing a two week series of outdoor Zumba classes so that seemed like the perfect way to spend this beautiful day! I had to stay a little late at work today so I had to break up my run. I ran 2 miles to the outdoor Zumba area, took the hour long class, and ran the 2 miles back to the apartment. The class was so much fun! It was led by my favorite teacher at the Y and there was a nice and big crowd (even though you can't tell by the pictures).

I LOVE being outside! And I especially love being outside when it involves a community coming together for a good reason: to workout :). But man, today was tough....the run there was a nice warm up but it was difficult to run the 2 miles back, after a one hour cardio class, and straight uphill. But I survived and ran the total 4 miles in a solid 36:45.

And it sure was a beautiful day for a run in the city!

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