Friday, February 10, 2012

Pretty Random

Is it really Friday already?!?

I swear these weeks keep going by faster and faster (and I am not complaining). Spring pahlesseee hurry up!

My day started out with a big cup of coffee with soy milk. I am not a milk fan and have lately started drinking soy milk instead and I love it.Soy milk is much creamer and goes so well with coffee. I even drank a glass of it as chocolate milk (which I could never do with regular or skim milk).

After my coffee and other morning rituals I head off to work. Honestly walking out of the door is the hardest thing to do every morning. When I have to bundle up and brace myself to face single digit temperatures - this is the what I have to leave...

Yes, the sweet pup all warm and cuddled up. [ PS. I am sorry this blog is turning more and more into multiple Colby photo shoots, but I can't help it...she's just so darn cute and I have to share it :) ].

I spend the day at my desk, usually reading over papers and doing a little bit of writing of my own. Today I had an afternoon meeting which is always great and means less time sitting in my cubicle.

After work and a few errands I've spent the afternoon/evening with the baby girl just lounging around and relaxing. Because I was feeling lazy, I had peanut butter toast for dinner but yesterday I made brinner. What was most exciting about this brinner was that I made the pancakes in my new purple bowl.

I've been looking for a large sized plastic mixing bowl and I found this beauty on sale at Target for $2! I am so excited about it because my grandmother had a purple magic mixing bowl, which unfortunately met its days and cracked, but it could create some amazing meals. Maybe this purple bowl will have some magic as well?! The pancakes came out pretty yummy.

I'll be turning in pretty early tonight. I've got 12 miles on the schedule tomorrow and because the high is 13 degrees I believe those 12 will happen inside on the treadmill. I'll need some strong mind power to make it through those 2 hours. Goodnight!

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