Saturday, January 7, 2012

Back in the Habit

Today was my first day back at the Y since I traveled home fore Christmas. And let me tell you, it kicked my butt....but it was a great reminder of how important it is for me to get back in the habit.

I took my first Core Strength class and I about died, but it was a great painful feeling. Then I hit the elliptical for some interval training followed by a long walk with Colbs.

It felt great just to be out-and-about again in the city. Its a little chilly here, but nothing Colby and I can't handle. It was a great active morning and a good start for working towards my goals for 2012 (a post to come on those soon).

Later this afternoon Colby and I hung out until it was time for me to head to the movies with Kari. We both just finished "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo," and were so excited to see the movie. We went to the Midtown Crossing Cinema for the afternoon matinee. The Midtown Crossing Cinema turned out to be a "Cine-Dine" where you are seated at a table and can order just about anything while you watch the movie. It was very different, but an interesting experience.


Sorry the next pictures were taken in the dark.

When I got back to the apartment I decided it was time to cook dinner. I was so excited because Matthew's mom gave my some great new pots and pans for Christmas and I could not wait to cook with a few of them! On the menu for tonight: grilled cheese and tomato soup.

Now its just a lazy Saturday night watching TV with the pup! Have a great night :)

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