Sunday, October 16, 2011

TED Talks.

Saturday I got an amazing opportunity. I got the chance to attended a TEDx Talk. TED talks are:

"TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design."
Basically speakers are brought in to give the speech of their lives (in 18 minutes or less). This speech is meant to invigorate, enlighten, and inspire. I can honestly say my experience at Tedx Omaha was a breath of fresh air, it reminded me of why I am here and the mission I truly believe in. 

One specific speech was about, "Place As Fate: The Injustice of Geography" by Othello Meadows. As an Omaha native, born and raised, he has witnessed the restrictions a geographic location can place on your dreams and ability to achieve them. How is it right that two children, born at the same time, even in the same state-just different economic communities, can be expected to succeed to the same level? It honestly doesn't make sense. It just brings me hope when people have to courage to talk about these issues. I felt so moved by his speech that I spoke to Othello after the talk and thanked him because his speech meant so much to me.

Here is a video that was shown at TEDx Omaha. It was a TED Talk from another program, one so moving it was worth sharing. If you have a few minutes, please watch this video - your idea of inner peace will truly be touched.

1 comment:

  1. I shared your videos with your uncle Kirk and uncle Greg, they appreciated it. Thank you for sharing.
